9 Best Frugal Habits to Go Green

9 Best Frugal Habits To Go Green!



Gina is the co-founder and co-author of The Wicked Wallet. She has a bachelor's degree in finance specializing in personal finance. Her goal is to make personal finance more accessible to the masses by sharing knowledge and insight on the topic.



Go green to save some green $ , amirite?

*crickets chirping*

Any who, back to frugal green habits…

The word frugal makes people think one of two things, cheap or wise.

As you probably guessed by the title of this post, I am of the latter school of thought. I am in the process of building up wealth so I can pick and choose the work I do, I am not willing to spend my hard earned money and precious time on material items that do not bring me true value. If you think about the long game it is much easier to avoid the short-term instant gratification emotional cycle of normal American spending habits.

Account balances growing is real gratification if you ask me. Knowing that you are building something that will provide an income of its own is the best thing you can do for yourself. Rewire your brain to tell yourself that by saving this money, you are paying your current and future self.

The added bonus of this post is that you not only get to learn how to save money, but also how to become a more Eco-friendly individual while in the process. With many of the issues our world faces today, every effort to live a more sustainable life counts.

New studies come out on a regular basis showing us that we need to change our habits and we need to change them now, otherwise it could be too late. So why not try to go greener while also trying to be more frugal?

Saving money is a vital factor in the formula for financial independence. Frugal habits can set you up for success and living a more sustainable life will help save the planet.

Below are my top frugal green habits, if you have any others please be sure to share in the comments!

Learn how I save 65% of my income here!

#1. Bring Your Lunches

The amount of people that buy lunches everyday shocks me. No joke, I cringe when someone tells me they buy from my office’s cafeteria for lunch everyday. The cost savings of making your own lunch is almost immediate.

By packing your lunch up in containers and bringing your own silverware, you are also diminishing the usage of single-use plastics. This is a hot topic right now, especially when it comes to ocean pollution. This easy change will help you on your journey to become more sustainable.

If you meal prep for the week ahead or even just bring in leftovers from the night before, you will save yourself thousands in the long term! Try bringing your lunch to work for a week and let us know how you did in the comments!

#2. More Meatless Meals

The cost of meat can add up quickly. By trading just one or two meals a week for a plant-based alternative (beans, lentils, etc.) you could save hundreds before you know it!

As stated in this article by Earth Day Network, “… producing one calorie of meat requires nearly twenty times the amount of energy as one plant calorie!”. This figure is alarming. With one switch a week you could make a major impact on your health and the planet’s.

Not to mention with the recent increase in plant-based diets, there are a plethora of delicious recipes out there waiting to be made.

One of my favorites for plant-based recipes is Minimalist Baker (not all of her recipes are fully plant based, but the majority are).

#3. Drink More Water

Talk about a win-win switch. How often do we hear fitness gurus telling us to drink more water? Well, they are onto something.

Not only does water provide us with amazing health benefits but also it is free! Easy and quick water accessibility is something a lot of us take for granted. By switching out your soda, juice and other beverages for some H2O, your wallet and body will thank you!

#4. Grow Your Own Food

I am truly spoiled. I cannot remember a time in my life where my parents did not have a mega-garden, growing fruits and veggies by the hundreds.

By growing your own food, you are cutting down on the cost of your grocery bill while also learning how to be self-sustainable! This also allows you to eat with the seasons which has great health benefits and helps you learn more about your local environment.

Pro-tip: Use food scraps to grow your own food. Try this before going out and purchasing seeds.

#5. Hit Up A Farmers Market

Don’t have any room or time to garden? Get your fresh produce from a local farm stand. Join a co-op. Go to a farm that allows you to pick your own vegetables and fruit for cheap!

This provides the obvious benefit of cost savings but you are also helping a local business and learning healthy habits. By going to a local farm you are also helping to cut down the global carbon levels by not purchasing items that had to be shipped across the world for consumption purposes.

#6. Walk/Bike Everywhere

Oh how we miss walking to every single destination in Barcelona. 20 minute walk? Our normal daily commute to school. 30 minutes straight? This would get us to the beach.

If you live in a more rural area, this could pose strains on your time… so why not bike? There are plenty of craigslist adds to sell bikes for very little money.

By walking or biking to destinations you are not only saving money on filling up your gas tank but also lessening your carbon footprint AND getting a workout!

#7. Multi-Use Products

The benefits of multi-use products go beyond the obvious cost savings. You are also saving on the manufacturing emissions created when making new products as well as any transportation fuels that had to get the products from where they were made all the way to you.

Skin Care

Friends, with one jar of organic virgin coconut oil, I can wash my face better than most face washes would, I can oil pull to help clean my teeth/mouth and I can give my hair a nice hydrating mask. And this is just my bathroom jar of coconut oil – don’t even get me started on my kitchen jar.

Honey can very similarly be used as a facial cleanser as well as a hair or face mask (again, this doesn’t include any consumption benefits for your kitchen jar). Learn how to use honey as a face mask and cleanser here.

Using organic, natural products will help your body get all the vitamins and minerals it needs while also saving the environment from synthetically produced chemicals that are terrible for the atmosphere and for your body’s health.

Added bonus if you can use local versions of multi-use products from local businesses! Helps cut down cost of transportation emissions while also supporting a local business.


By using the products listed below, you are saving waterways from being polluted by harsh chemicals that can hurt soil, animal life as well contaminate our drinking water.

Products like vinegar or Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds can basically make up your entire cleaning supply list if you don’t mind spending the time making your own products. Sal suds alone can be used for laundry, bathrooms and floors! This article outlines some great ways to use vinegar to clean your house.

If you find yourself extra low on time, try Branch Basics Concentrate. This product can literally be used to clean every inch of your house. From your floors, to your counter tops and even the toilet – this will do the job. By using a product like this, you are ditching the harsh chemicals that can pollute waterways and harm your body! This organic product is not only versatile but also convenient you only have to buy one cleaning product for your whole house. Check out the price breakdown below to see a comparison of the cost of one bottle of the concentrate as different cleaning products (pricing information directly from Branch Basics).


33 oz. Concentrate Makes:

  • 3 All-Purpose bottles (24 oz.) at $2.90 each
  • 3 Bathroom bottles (24 oz.) at $5.80 each
  • 3 Streak-Free bottles (24 oz.) at $0.20 each
  • 3 Foaming Wash bottles (10 oz.) at $2.90 each
  • 64 laundry loads at $0.24 per load

Thinking about trying Branch Basics? Use this link to get $10 off your order!

#8. Give Up Paper Towels

Now I will admit, this is one that Jake and I are still working on. But this frugal hack is one we are striving towards not only for saving money but also for trying to play our part in saving the planet. Don’t just go out and buy a microfiber towel, instead use something you already own!

If you have spare tee shirts or towels lying around the house, turn them into a your new all-purpose clothes. Whether you use the cloth as a paper towel, dish rag or for other cleaning purposes, it is an all-around-win. You are re-purposing items you once bought and therefore avoiding purchasing another item which saves you money and manufacturing impacts on the planet!

This article does a great job explaining the benefits of re-purposing old clothes for paper towels.

#9. Wash Your Clothes in Cold Water

This is a double whammy. By washing in cold water, you are not only saving on your heating bill but also on your use of energy. Also, be sure to only wash your clothes when they are truly dirty – don’t be an over-washer.

An added bonus is that you can throw your lights and dark’s in the same load and not have any colors run!

Closing Thoughts

All in all, we can be frugal and conscious of our impact on the planet. As you learn more, you can implement more changes in your life. Even the smallest of changes can make the largest difference. Remember, go green to save green! How are you living a more frugal and sustainable life? Let me know in the comments!

Looking for more ways to save money? Check out these articles!

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