How the Miracle Morning Can Change Your Life

How the Miracle Morning Can Change Your Life


Jake is the co-founder and co-author of The Wicked Wallet. He has a bachelor's degree in finance and is also a member of the Army Reserves. His goal as a personal finance blogger is to help educate others so that they can live life on their own terms.



“The Miracle Morning” written by Hal Elrod is an amazing book that provides you with a 6-step morning routine that will help you be a better version of yourself. Gina and I have both read Hal’s book and absolutely loved it. His routine which he calls S.A.V.E.R.S has really helped us grow mentally and has increased our overall productivity.

Before reading this book and implementing Hal’s morning routine I was not a morning person. I would absolutely struggle in the mornings; my alarm would go off and I’d immediately hit snooze and that process would repeat for 3-5 iterations. After reading this book, Hal had convinced me that I needed to at least try his routine. I won’t lie, the first week was a little rough but by the second week I was in the groove and was really feeling the benefits.

If you want to improve your mornings and increase your productivity, emotions and energy levels then continue reading as I go over Hal’s life S.A.V.E.R.S and how I implement each one of them.

*It’s important to note that these steps can be performed in any order, so find what suits you best. *


This involves meditation of any type. You can practice transcendental meditation or you can just sit silently while drinking your morning coffee. The goal here is to avoid distractions, be one with yourself. It’s so easy to wake up and instantly grab your phone and start scrolling through emails. Since I’ve been practicing miracle mornings, I feel much more relaxed when I get up. Typically, I will do the silence portion of S.A.V.E.R.S first while I am still in bed for about 10-15 minutes. The key here is to sit up in bed so that you don’t fall back to sleep. (I learned that from experience)


This may sound cheesy but give yourself positive feedback. Amp yourself up and tell yourself how awesome you are. Some examples of an affirmation are “I am a strong, healthy, and hardworking individual”, “I am disciplined and dedicated, I will be successful” The idea here is that if you think that way you will become that way. This is also a great way to instill confidence in yourself and will get you ready to seize the day! I personally will go from my bed to the bathroom and while brushing my teeth I will look myself in the mirror and repeat my affirmations in my head. I know it sounds a little goofy, but give it a try and see how it works for you.


This is one of my personal favorites as I am very much a dreamer. This step involves visualizing yourself accomplishing your goals and making your dreams come true. This is a great practice that will help you understand how you will turn your dreams into your realty. For instance, when I visualize my self as financially independent it gets me thinking and I will ask myself questions, such as, “what steps do I need to take to get there?”, “What can I do today to get myself closer to my goal?”. I generally like to do the visualize step either while I am drinking my coffee or eating my breakfast.


This is fairly self-explanatory; you want to perform some degree of exercise in the morning to get your heart rate up and the blood flowing. I mean you can literally do 5 minutes of some form of exercise and call it good or you can go to the gym and knock out a complete workout. For me personally I hate working out hardcore in the morning so I’ll usually do some form of exercise for 5-15 minutes, usually a mixture of jumping jacks, pushups, core, and stretching.



If you’ve read some of my other posts then you know that I am a big advocate of reading, so what better way to activate your brain in the morning than reading for 5-10 minutes. This is a much better use of your time then say scrolling through your phone looking at Instagram celebrities and wishing you had their life. Instead of wishing, do something that will help you get that life that you want.


The idea here is to journal every morning. Write down three things that you are grateful for, goals you want to achieve on that day, and what I personally do is title one page “reflection”. This section I will complete the following day and I will reflect on how my previous day went. I’ve found that journaling allows me to be more grateful, goal focused, and it allows me to vent. Out of all these steps I typically journal last right before I leave for work, it will generally take me about 5 minutes.

Closing Thoughts

If this post has intrigued you then I’d recommend either reading or listening to, The Miracle Morning, for more in-depth information. But if you don’t feel like doing that and you just want to jump in and try out the routine then go right ahead. The information that I have provided is more than adequate enough to get you started. For me this routine takes 30 minutes at the least and 55 minutes at the most, which is really nothing for what you will get out of it.

As always, I wish you nothing but the best! If you do decide to try this routine please comment below and let us know your thoughts:)

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