Are you finding it hard to stay productive while working from home? Don't worry, you are not alone. Working from home is a big adjustment for a lot of people. Lucky for you, these 5 tips will increase your productivity while you work from home.

5 Tips to Stay Productive While Working From Home


Jake is the co-founder and co-author of The Wicked Wallet. He has a bachelor's degree in finance and is also a member of the Army Reserves. His goal as a personal finance blogger is to help educate others so that they can live life on their own terms.



With the Covid-19 pandemic surging more and more people are finding themselves working from home. For a lot of people working from home isn’t a normal thing and find it to be a difficult adjustment. If you’re having difficulty with working from home then this article is for you. These 5 tips to stay productive while working from home will increase your productivity and overall efficiency.

#1 Avoid The Couch

Tip number one is to avoid working on the couch. Your couch is made for sitting back and relaxing. Find an area in your house and dedicate that spot for working. Whether it’s sitting at your kitchen table, spare bedroom, or private office your workspace should be a designated spot for work. I personally have a desk in my home that sits by a window and has a comfortable office chair.

Ideally your designated workspace will be used only for work, however that’s not always the case. If you are not able to have a completely separate work space then I would recommending working somewhere in your home that’s not your bed or your couch. It’s often difficult to stay focused and productive while working on the couch or in your bed. The reason why it’s difficult to stay focused and productive is because your body associates the couch and bed as places to relax and rest. Believe me, avoiding the couch or bed will do wonders for increasing your productivity while working from home.

#2 Dress Appropriately

Alright this one may sound silly to some of you, but dressing appropriately for the work day can increase your productivity while working from home. I understand how tempting it is to work from home in your sweat pants, but I’d advise against it.

Working from home in your comfy clothes can have a drastic impact on your productivity. When you get dressed for the workday you’re sending signals to your brain that the work day is about to begin. However, when you roll out of bed and try to start working in your pj’s then your brain isn’t going to be in the work mindset.

Now I’m not saying you should throw on a suit while working from home but maybe go with a casual friday vibe. Personally when I work from home I’ll wear jeans and a dress shirt. Keep it simple and easy, but stay away from the sweats and pj’s.

#3 Create & Start Your Day On A Routine

Developing a morning routine before you start working is a great way to get yourself prepared for the day. Doing this daily routine will put you in the right mindset for the workday. Here’s an example of a daily morning routine that may work for you:

  • Wake up and make the bed.
  • Exercise
  • Daily hygiene
  • Get dressed
  • Eat Breakfast
  • Drink coffee and read

A simple routine like this could take 30 minutes to an hour to complete but it will be well worth it. Humans are creatures of habit and creating a morning routine can have a great impact on your overall productivity. Don’t believe me? Check out this article, Healthy Benefits of Having a Routine from Northwestern Medicine.

Do you have a morning routine? What does it look like? Share in the comment section below đŸ‘‡

#4 Take Advantage Of Your Lunch Break

One of the best things about working from home is that you can get things done at home that you normally wouldn’t have time for. Getting chores done while working at home is awesome, but it can be a slippery slope that can effect your work productivity.

That is why I recommend taking advantage of your lunch break and using that allotted time for chores/errands. Use that time for things like cleaning the dishes, walking the dog, or folding laundry.

Having a set time of the day to do things at home that you wouldn’t normally have time to do will allow you to stay focused and productive with work. If you don’t set a specific time then you may find yourself leaving your desk more often and for longer periods of time, which most employers typically would not appreciate.

#5 Finish Your Day With A Routine

The final tip that I have is to finish your day with a routine. Just like you prepped for your day with a morning routine you should end with a routine that marks the end of your work day.

An end of day routine will help you unwind and transition into non work mode. This routine can help your brain relax and may even help you sleep better at night.

Your end of day routine can be something like cleaning your working space, taking your dog for a walk, or exercising. The main point here is to find a routine that works for you and can be repeated every day.

Closing Thoughts

Let’s be honest, the work from home lifestyle is not for everybody. Staying productive while working from home can definitely be a challenge, but speaking from experience these 5 tips will increase your productivity while working from home.

Do you have any additional tips that are worth sharing?? Let us know in the comment section below. đŸ‘‡đŸ‘‡

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