The Quick And Easy Way to Stay Informed

The Quick & Easy Way to Stay Informed


Jake is the co-founder and co-author of The Wicked Wallet. He has a bachelor's degree in finance and is also a member of the Army Reserves. His goal as a personal finance blogger is to help educate others so that they can live life on their own terms.



What does your weekly morning routine look like? Most people wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, pack lunch, and drive to work. Your morning routine is vital to your personal success. If you start every day off right then the rest of your day is going to be a piece of cake. If you read my article How the Miracle Morning Change My Life you will find some of the things that I do every morning to start my day off right and one of those things is reading. Now I understand watching the news is the way that many people stay informed or “in the loop”, but the news doesn’t always tell you what you want to know more about. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a tool that would make staying informed quick and easy?

The typical morning can be extremely busy and you may not have time to watch 30 minutes of the news (plus commercials). Your time is precious and the information that you are feeding your brain is essential to your success and overall happiness… one reason why I dislike the average news channel is because they love to promote depressing stories, but that’s a soapbox for another day.

I understand that your time is precious and that watching the news may be easier than reading, but Gina and I have recently stumbled upon a fantastic resource called, Morning Brew.

What Is It?

What if I told you that you can get a highlight of what’s going one on wall street and silicon valley in just 5 minutes? Sounds pretty sweet right? Well Morning Brew gives you just that. After you subscribe to Morning Brew you will begin receiving an email daily that presents this juicy information in an easy to read 5-minute format. With Morning Brew, I am made aware of any major things going down in the stock market or any major advances in tech.

If your like me, then you hate reading boring/dry material and you might be thinking that reading a daily email about the stock market and silicon valley sounds dreadful. Well I normally would agree, but Morning Brew writers present this great information in a fun and engaging way that won’t allow you to label them as boring.

How Much Is A Morning Brew Subscription?

Now the question you’ve been waiting for, how much is it? Without beating around the bush I will get right to it. The cost of a Morning Brew subscription is (drum roll)…. $0.00! Yup, you read that correctly this great resource of information is completely free! The price alone should make you want to subscribe, who doesn’t love free material?

Click this link to start your Morning Brew subscription!

Why Should I Subscribe?

 Gina and I both like to keep up with whats going on in the markets and subscribe to a couple different services that provide market outlooks, economic perspectives and what’s happening in the world however none are as quick, entertaining or interesting to read as Morning Brew. Almost every single day we have a conversation post read about some of the pressing topics of the day and how they could affect us.

Honestly I really don’t know why you wouldn’t want to subscribe.

1) The subscription is completely free.

2) The information is presented in a fun and engaging way.

3) Understanding what’s going on in the stock market and in Silicon Valley will help improve your investment decisions.

As Sir Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power”, so why not start your day with a quick, fun, and informative read that will get you ahead?

Closing Thoughts

As I’ve said over and over people who read are the people who succeed. The information is out there whether it be in a textbook, facebook post, google search, or a daily email. Take advantage of the free resources available to you and always stay ahead of the game.

Morning Brew is one of the best resources out there, Gina and I both read their content daily. If you are interested in subscribing to the Morning Brew, click here.

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